Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Child protection has to be seen in the context of the wider Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. GIRFEC promotes action to improve the wellbeing of all children and young people in eight areas. These wellbeing indicators state that young people must be: healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, included and, above all in this context, safe. The primary indicator for child protection is to keep a child safe. (Scottish Government)
At Coldstream Primary School, we will follow the procedures set out by Scottish Borders Council for all child protection and safeguarding issues. Scottish Borders Child Protection Procedures (
The safety and care of all the children at Coldstream Primary School is our first priority.
The Child Protection co-ordinator role is shared by the Headteacher and Depute Headteacher. In their absence the Child Protection Co-ordinator is the Principal Teacher. This is known by all staff in the school. The Child Protection Co-ordinators attends training to support their roles.
Staff receive training in Child Protection at regular intervals according to the recommendations of the SBC Child Protection Guidelines. Well maintained records of this training shall be kept by the Child Protection Co-ordinators.
Any concerns about a young person’s welfare must be immediately discussed with the Child Protection Co-ordinators.
If a young person makes a disclosure, the following must be adhered to:
1. Reassure the young person that the school will support them
2. Do not promise to keep the information confidential; explain that details must be passed on.
3. Listen, rather than ask direct questions. Do not ask any leading questions
4. Be calm and non-judgemental even if the information is serious and upsetting
5. Make brief and accurate notes.
6. Act on the information immediately. Speak to the Child Protection coordinator.
If you are not in school and concerned about a young person in the Scottish Borders community?
Phone 01890 882189 during office hours or out of hours phone 01896 752111
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Child protection has to be seen in the context of the wider Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. GIRFEC promotes action to improve the wellbeing of all children and young people in eight areas. These wellbeing indicators state that young people must be: healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, included and, above all in this context, safe. The primary indicator for child protection is to keep a child safe. (Scottish Government)
At Coldstream Primary School, we will follow the procedures set out by Scottish Borders Council for all child protection and safeguarding issues. Scottish Borders Child Protection Procedures (
The safety and care of all the children at Coldstream Primary School is our first priority.
The Child Protection co-ordinator role is shared by the Headteacher and Depute Headteacher. In their absence the Child Protection Co-ordinator is the Principal Teacher. This is known by all staff in the school. The Child Protection Co-ordinators attends training to support their roles.
Staff receive training in Child Protection at regular intervals according to the recommendations of the SBC Child Protection Guidelines. Well maintained records of this training shall be kept by the Child Protection Co-ordinators.
Any concerns about a young person’s welfare must be immediately discussed with the Child Protection Co-ordinators.
If a young person makes a disclosure, the following must be adhered to:
1. Reassure the young person that the school will support them
2. Do not promise to keep the information confidential; explain that details must be passed on.
3. Listen, rather than ask direct questions. Do not ask any leading questions
4. Be calm and non-judgemental even if the information is serious and upsetting
5. Make brief and accurate notes.
6. Act on the information immediately. Speak to the Child Protection coordinator.
If you are not in school and concerned about a young person in the Scottish Borders community?
Phone 01890 882189 during office hours or out of hours phone 01896 752111