Vision, Values and Aims

Vision, Values and Aims

Here at Coldstream Primary School we have a clear vision of ‘Nulli Secundus’ – ‘Secondto None’. Our vision comes from our historic ties to the Coldstream Guards and the rich, proud history of the town. As we serve our community of Coldstream, the vision is clear, we work to be ‘Second to None’ working towards common goals.

Our values follow naturally from this: We are Ready, Respectful and Safe. As the children explain clearly:

Ready: “We keep ourselves right and stay on track!”
Respectful: “We respect ourselves, others and property.”
Safe: “We keep our hands and feet to ourselves. We use walking feet and use toys properly.”

We aim to be an inclusive learning community, where Coldstream gathers together to support our children to be the best they can be. We support, nurture, encourage and provide appropriate challenge as our young people move towards the best version of themselves.